Road Safety Management

Road safety management encourages the creation of partnerships and encourages Local Governments to:

  • lead the delivery of evidence-based, and locally developed, road safety strategies and plans,
  • develop road safety targets, and
  • monitor and assess implementation and effectiveness in a systematic way.

At a regional and local level, road safety management is about establishing and supporting systems to monitor death, serious injuries and crashes on the road network.

For WALGA and the Local Government sector, this presents an opportunity to increase the focus on engaging Local Governments in best practice road safety to build an informed and committed sector where safe system principles are integrated in the way the local road network is managed.

Two key WALGA projects which centre of road safety management are the Local Government Road Safety Management System Demonstration Project and the Road Safety Management Systems Service.

Find out more about these projects by visiting the dedicated webpages or contacting your Regional Road Safety Advisor.