Published on Tuesday, 13 June 2023 at 11:21:06 AM
The Local Government Road Safety Vanguards Workshop recently took place at the University of Western Australia, bringing together individuals at the forefront of innovative road safety ideas. The workshop was a collaboration between WA Local Government Association (WALGA), Main Roads WA, the University of Western Australia (UWA) Centre for Road Safety Research and the University of Adelaide Centre for Automotive Safety Research.
Participants from across Western Australia attended the workshop, including Local Government Elected Members, Officers and other road safety stakeholders from WALGA and Main Roads WA.
The event was opened by Cr Karen Chappell, WALGA President and Vice President of the Australian Local Government Association and included a Professional Development dinner at the UWA Club, featuring a keynote address from WALGA CEO Mr Nick Sloan.
Over the course of three days presentations were delivered on a range of topics including applying safe systems within both rural and urban areas, leadership and change management, innovations and advancements in vehicle and infrastructure safety and case study examples. Presenters included:
- Main Roads WA – John Erceg, David Moyses, Teresa Williams, Paul Starling, Ian Thompson
- University of Adelaide Centre for Automotive Safety Research - Dr Jeremy Woolley, Associate Professor, Dr Jamie Mackenzie, Dr Mario Mongiardini
- University of Western Australia (UWA) Centre for Road Safety Research Dr Teresa Senserrick, Director and Dr Paul Roberts Deputy Director
- Dr Lisette Kanse UWA School of Psychology
The workshop concluded with group presentations from the participants, adjudicated by a panel of presenters along with special guest Katie Hodson-Thomas JP, Chair of the Road Safety Council.
The commitment and dedication demonstrated by those participating, both presenters and attendees reflected a strong determination to transform road safety practices. The group recognised the moral obligation to adopt a systems-based approach, challenge existing norms, foster alliances and take opportunities to achieve road safety outcomes.
If you are interested in participating in future Local Government Road Safety Vanguards Workshops, contact your local Regional Road Safety Advisor.

Pictured above: Participants of the Local Government Road Safety Vanguards Workshop May 2023
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